Skincare Expiry Guide

As a skincare enthusiast, you've likely amassed a collection of products over time. But have you ever stopped and wondered, "Does skincare expire?" The answer is yes, skincare products do have an expiration date. From sunscreen to moisturisers, each product has a lifespan that can affect its effectiveness and potentially impact your skin's health.

Understanding Skincare Expiry Dates

Image explaining where the PAO and batch number is on Dermalogica Skincare Packaging

Skincare products, including body lotion, face toner, skin toner, face serum, and moisturiser, have an average shelf life of one to three years. This lifespan is determined by the product's ingredients, packaging, and storage conditions. After opening, the clock starts ticking even faster due to exposure to air and bacteria. This is where the PAO (Period After Opening) date comes into play.

The PAO is usually depicted as an open jar symbol with a number followed by 'M,' which stands for months. For instance, if the jar symbol says '12M,' it means the product is safe to use for 12 months after opening. Therefore, knowing how long a moisturiser lasts or when a face serum expires becomes crucial in your skincare routine.

Some skincare products have very obvious and clear expiry dates printed on them to make things easier, too.

However, what can make things confusing is that some brands print the date of manufacture, instead of expiry! This is common with Asian skincare brands, and many often think this means their products are already expired. However, it’s only a date of manufacture - letting you know how newly made the product is!

Spotting Expired Skincare Products

Knowing how to tell if your skincare has gone off is crucial. Changes in colour, texture, or smell are clear giveaways. If your cream has separated, your face oil smells rancid, or your sunscreen has changed colour, these are signs that they have expired and need to be disposed of!

A key question often arises is, "Does expired sunscreen work?" The answer is no. An expired sunscreen will not provide the protection it promises on the label, leaving your skin vulnerable to harmful UV rays. This is a clear example of why keeping track of your product's expiry dates is vital for effective skincare.

How to Check with Brands if Products Are Expired

One way to check if your products are expired is by reaching out to the brand directly, batch number in hand. Batch numbers are usually a code on a skincare product somewhere - they are a unique identifying number that brands use to track when a product was made. By finding this number and reaching out to the brand about it, they can give you more information if the product you have is fresh and safe to use. 

Image showing the difference between date of expiry and date of manufacture on skincare

Consequences of Using Expired Skincare

Using expired skin care can lead to a host of skin issues. For starters, expired products lose their effectiveness. That sunscreen you've been saving for next summer? It may not protect your skin from harmful UV rays if it's past its expiry date.

Moreover, expired skincare products can cause skin irritation, inflammation, breakouts, and even infections, especially in individuals with sensitive skin. So, if you're asking, "Does body lotion expire?" or "Does skin toner expire?" the answer is yes, and using them past their expiry can have negative effects on your skin.

Proper Storage to Extend Shelf Life

Proper storage can significantly extend the shelf life of your skincare products. Heat, sunlight, and moisture can degrade ingredients in skincare products, making them less effective and increasing the risk of bacterial growth.

Avoid leaving products like sunscreen cream in hot environments, such as your car during summer. The heat can speed up the degradation process and render your sunscreen ineffective.

Similarly, storing skincare products in your bathroom might seem convenient, but the humidity and temperature fluctuations can shorten their lifespan. Instead, store your skincare in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

In Conclusion

So, when does skincare expire? It's clear that skincare does expire, and using expired products can have negative effects on your skin. Stay mindful of PAO dates, and changes in your products, and store your skincare properly to keep your skin healthy and happy. After all, good skincare is an investment in your overall well-being.

Don't forget that the key to healthy skin is not just choosing the right products but also using them correctly. Make sure to follow the recommended usage instructions, keep an eye on the PAO, and store your products correctly to get the most out of them. Remember, skincare is not just about looking good; it's about feeling good and taking care of yourself.

Alexis Adrienne

Alexis Adrienne

Alexis Adrienne is a passionate beauty writer with over 10 years of experience. She’s incredibly keen on all things skincare, makeup and cosmetics, with a fingertip on the pulse of the latest global beauty trends at all times.

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